The Fate of America

Oct 13, 2024

, I am very concerned about our rush as a nation

To embrace so many godless things.

Now politically speaking and Spiritual speaking

I do not, and pray neither will you

Look toward any man as our savior

Our faith must be in Christ alone.

He is our only hope for America.


But, until Christ returns, we have been given the task

Of being his ambassadors in this world.

We are called to be salt and light

Salt to preserve the nation  

and light to shine the truth in the midst of a darkening world.

How are we as Christians – ambassadors of Christ

How can we put into action that mandate?

Are we to maintain distance from culture –

So much so that we have no influence?

Are we not to advocate for righteousness?

Does not this mandate to shine our light

And remain salty to preserve this nation

Extend into the political environment or

Are we expressly forbidden from this arena

And should we simply yield to and relinquish our authority

To the enemy and his cohorts?