What's Missing?

Aug 25, 2024    Pastor Mike Calo

Listen, without fearing God

you're gonna miss heaven.

He loves you, cares for you and wants the best for you.

But he will not make you follow him,

He will NOT make you love him,

Nor will He make you obey him.


Think about what he says in his word,

it's appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment. So, you don't want God in your life.

Let me ask you a question.

No matter what you believe,

you cannot avoid the judgment of a holy God who loves you.

But God is willing to give you enough free will

if you choose not to love him.

If you choose to die without him,

His love will let you have what you want


The Bible says that God is holy

and we are to walk holy before him.


God is holy. Therefore, we're to fear him.

We're to fear him in the right way.

So, I want us to talk about why we should fear him.

You shall follow the Lord your God and fear him.

You shall keep his commandments,

listen to his voice, serve him and clinging to him.

That's God's command for every single one of us.


So the question is, why should we fear God?

Well, because he commands it.

And secondly, because the scripture says

it's the beginning of knowledge.