The King -Part 4

Mar 9, 2025

Principles of the Kingdom

Part 4

The King

1. Introduction to God as King

The first word for God in the Bible is Elohim, a singular-plural word.

Elohim signifies a single entity that is plural in nature.

The word "God" is not a name; Elohim is His name.

God is self-existing and self-sufficient—He needs nothing to exist.

2. The Nature of God

Before anything was, God is—He exists outside of time.

Everything that exists was inside of God before creation.

God does not need the universe; the universe needs God.

3. Understanding Kingship in a Kingdom

Americans struggle to understand kingship due to their democratic mindset.

A King owns everything in His domain.

God is not made King by people; He is inherently King of all things.

Heaven is the Kingdom of God, and Earth was created to expand His kingdom.

4. The Reality of the Unseen

Spiritual reality is greater than physical reality.

Spirits are eternal; the physical body is temporary and will decay.

The unseen (Heaven) was created first, then the seen (Earth).

5. God's Provision and Ownership

Everything belongs to God; we are stewards, not owners.

When God has need of something, it is already His (Luke 19:29-31).

Many times, we cannot receive more because we haven't let go of what we already have.

Giving unlocks abundance—God’s kingdom operates opposite to the world's system.

6. Faith in the King's Provision

Jesus demonstrated God's provision when He told the disciples to catch a fish with money inside for their taxes.

God orchestrates provision ahead of time—He prepares the "fish" for our needs.

Expect God to move in unseen ways, as He works beyond what we can see.

7. The Eternal, Invisible King

1 Timothy 1:17 – He is eternal, immortal, and invisible.

1 Timothy 6:15 – He is the only King of kings and Lord of lords.

God works invisible miracles for His people.

We are citizens of His Kingdom, not just followers of a religion.

8. The King's Authority Over All

Psalm 24:1 – "The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it."

Kings own their people, which is why Paul calls himself a slave to Christ.

God can command blessings through unlikely sources—even from people who dislike us.

9. Our Relationship with the King

James 4:8 – Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

Matthew 11:28-30 – Jesus invites us into His rest and guidance.

To be a Christian means living as His servant, stewarding what He gives us for His glory.


We serve the ONLY King.

Everything we experience—good and bad—is for His glory.

We live, serve, and die for His Kingdom and His purpose.